Love Request • out now
welcome to my new identity.

CENTAVOES was the idenitity you may have known from a few music i've put out.
i am eternally grateful you have taken an interest to all of this.
it truly means a lot.
unfortunately, for the past few years,
i've contemplated a lot about my direction as a creative.
i've been thinking about changing my alias as a musician.
finally, i found something that can uniquely identify me and my music.
i'll admit, it does sound quirky...
BUT, i hope you are interested
in this new identity for my future works:
pronounced as /ˈsʊʃis/
, this will define the new destiny.
"why," you may ask? the answer... is kind of simple:
part of Asian Hideout
photos by @min9yu_k and @xuminghao_o